Saturday 25 December 2010


Christmas was radical. Got a Hot tub...It is rad. Took a long time setting up but it is rad. Morg has a bunny suit. Kieran and Alex are boring James Webborn told me that if the sun hits optimum temperature then it will be Awsome in Swansea. I am waiting for that day.

Friday 17 December 2010

Snow pig!

Today we spent a lazy day off work because of the snow. We made a snow pig.
Here he is during the day....

And here he is during the night......

We rock.

Thursday 16 December 2010


Oh this guy!

Well i thought I would start by showing you who I spend most of time with. And you are probably thinking my girlfriend. You are sadly wrong because she unfortunately lives 250 miles away.....
This is my housemate Morg.....he is a berk!                                                                                                          


So yeah....I Have decided to create a blog to post some of the few things that I have interest to. I guess an introduction would be appropriate....Well i'm Tom and here is my blog.... To start off here is a penguin saying hello...